My little brain can’t handle this

In the past few years, police officers have faced tough situations, and it’s becoming even more challenging. Some officers have been targeted and unfairly criticized. People are thinking that all cops are bad or corrupt.

But in Gallipolis, Ohio, there’s a restaurant that wants to make a positive change. They put up a sign in their window to show support and appreciation for the men and women in uniform. This sign is creating a lot of attention!

The sign says:

“Police officers in uniform can eat for free every day.”

This is a way to show all the men and women in uniform that the city truly values and appreciates their hard work. It’s a way to say thank you for risking their own safety to keep everyone safe. A good, hot meal is a great way to recharge before, during, or after a tough day, and it might even help make the streets safer. How wonderful!

Since the sign was put up at KFC, it has become really popular online. It got over 5,000 shares and 10,000 likes on Facebook. The employees of the store have also joined in, saying that they do serve all uniformed police officers for free every day!

While many people are supportive and happy about this, including the police officers, there are also some people who are not happy at all.

Some folks didn’t like what the store owners did. They think all first responders should get free meals, not just the police. Even the head of Ohio Going Blue, who is a law enforcement officer, agreed with this idea.

He said:

“This is a positive post, but some of you can’t see the bigger picture.
As an officer, I do not go into any establishment expecting [or] wanting anything to be free or…. even a discount, whether I’m in uniform or not, and I can tell you other officers feel the same way. We don’t like ‘special treatment.’ The fact is that KFC is acknowledging law enforcement, which is why this was posted. To those who stated that other first responders should also be acknowledged. My answer? ABSOLUTELY.”

Police officers risk their safety every day to keep us safe. They don’t get much in return, so giving them a free meal to keep them energized for their long days is a good idea.

What do you think about the KFC sign in the window? Do you support it?

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